Opinion della European Copyright Society sulla originalità del design a fini di protezione tramite copyright

Il 3 dicembre 2024 la ECS ha diffuso un suo dettagliato parere sul tema, titolato The Protection of Works of Applied Art under EU Copyright Law . Opinion of the European Copyright Society in MIO/konektra (Cases C-580/23 and C-795/23).

Parere assai articolato e documentato, che si porrà come testo importante per affrontare la non semplice questioni della tutela d’autore per il design.

Riporto solo un pezzo della parte IV Conclusion – Answers to the questions referred to the CJEU:

<<We have explained the approach above at [19]-[51]. As established in the Court’s jurisprudence, for there to be a protectable work, there must be expression (not merely ideas), and that expression needs to involve free and creative choices as a result of which the author has stamped their personality on the work. In general, in the case of works of applied arts, the presence of functional constraints will often severely limit the freedom of choice, and the
utilitarian goals may well mean that the designer will rarely make creative choices. Importantly, the mere presence of alternative choices is not of itself sufficient to show creativity. Even where there is freedom to choose the expressive elements, and that freedom is exercised creatively, it is also possible that the resulting designs will not bear the imprint of the author. As the Court
made clear in Cofemel, just because the production is aesthetically appealing or attractive does not imply either that creative choices have been made, or that the result bears the personal imprint of the author.
In assessing these elements, “factors surrounding the creative process” might offer indications as to what functional constraints existed, how much freedom there was, and whether the decisions made by the author were creative. As explained at [42]-[43], while the author’s explanation of the choices s/he/they made is not irrelevant (and could assist a tribunal in understanding the author’s perception of the design freedom and the character of the choices), it is also not determinative. Ultimately, the tribunal will need to decide whether, as a result of
making creative choices, the objective features of the resulting production reflect the author’s personal touch”