Il marchio di posizione si conferma difficile da registrare per la sua scarsa distintività

Marcel Pemsel in IPKat ci notizia di Trib. UE 05.02.2025, T-195/24, VistaJet c. EUIPO (ingl./franc.). Il segno chiesto in registrazione era la linea rossa sul fianco dell’areo per servizi di trasporto aereo (v. disegno sotto).

L’istante è risultato soccombente sia presso l’Ufficio che davanti al Trib.

Il passaggio pertinente:

<< 21   In the present case, first, it must be noted that the services covered by the mark applied for are transportation and private aircraft flight planning services, intended primarily for very rich members of the general public, the ‘ultra-wealthy’, who are likely to display a high level of attention, since the factors of safety, punctuality and reliability are all important for the services in question.

22 Second, it must be noted, as the Board of Appeal did, that the mark applied for will not be perceived by the relevant public as having a distinctive character.

23 As the Board of Appeal correctly stated, the mark applied for consists of a red line along the side of a silver aeroplane fuselage, which curves slightly as it follows the line of the fuselage and tapers to a thin point at the front end of the aeroplane.

24 However, a line, which is defined as a continuous set of points or an unbroken elongated line the extent of which is virtually reduced to the single dimension of length, is a simple geometric form, which is not, in itself, capable of conveying a message which consumers will be able to remember. That line and its colour red will be perceived by the relevant public as nothing more than banal decorative devices, as will the choice of a silver fuselage.

25 It is clear from settled case-law that a sign which is excessively simple and is constituted of a basic geometrical figure, such as a circle, a line, a rectangle or a conventional pentagon, is not, in itself, capable of conveying a message which consumers will be able to remember, with the result that they will not regard it as a trade mark unless it has acquired distinctive character through use (see, to that effect, judgments of 15 September 2005, BioID v OHIM, C‑37/03 P, EU:C:2005:547, paragraphs 72 and 74, and of 29 September 2009, The Smiley Company v OHIM (Representation of half a smiley smile), T‑139/08, EU:T:2009:364, paragraph 26 and the case-law cited).

26 In any event, the fact that it could be argued that the mark applied for does not merely represent a basic geometrical figure does not suffice, as such, to support the view that it has the minimum distinctive character necessary for registration as an EU trade mark. There must also be certain characteristics of the sign which may be easily and instantly memorised by the relevant public and which would make it possible for the sign to be perceived immediately as an indication of the commercial origin of the goods and services in question (see, to that effect, judgment of 15 December 2016, Novartis v EUIPO (Representation of a grey curve and representation of a green curve), T‑678/15 and T‑679/15, not published, EU:T:2016:749, paragraphs 40 and 41 and the case-law cited).

27 It has also already been held that, whilst colours are capable of conveying certain associations of ideas and of arousing feelings, they possess little inherent capacity for communicating specific information. That is all the more the case since they are commonly and widely used, because of their appeal, in order to advertise and market goods and services without any specific message (see judgment of 6 September 2023, Groz-Beckert v EUIPO (Position of the colours white, red and dark green on cuboid packaging), T‑276/22, not published, EU:T:2023:497, paragraph 20 and the case-law cited; see also, by analogy, judgment of 24 June 2004, Heidelberger Bauchemie, C‑49/02, EU:C:2004:384, paragraph 38).

28 In the present case, in the absence of elements capable of distinguishing it in such a way that it does not appear as a simple geometrical figure, the red line cannot fulfil an identifying function with respect to the services in question. The colour red is, by its very nature, highly visible and striking and is used primarily for decorative purposes, or to attract attention. Accordingly, it is, in itself, devoid of distinctive character. As for the silver fuselage, the Court considers that that colour does not particularly stand out from the colour white, which is traditionally used in the aviation sector.

29 The Court concludes that, taken as a whole, the mark applied for is excessively simple>>.

Marcel ci notizia nel medesimo post di altra sentenza del Trib. UE (29.01.2025,T‑147/24, Doorinn GmbH v. EUIPO, Franc./ted.) che pure affossa un altro marchio di posizione qui riprodotto (etichetta rossa nell’angolo del materasso).

In entrambi i casi la decisione mi pare esatta (con maggior sicurezza nel secondo).

Il marchio di colore di posizione è difficile da registrare

Il Trib. UE conferma il rigetto della domanda di registrazione per un marchio di colore (rosso giallo nero) e di posizone, applicato a macchine agrigole (Trib. UE 11.0.2024, . Joined Cases T‑361/23 to T‑364/23, Väderstad Holding AB c, EUIPO).

Riporto qui uno dei quattro azionati:

Segnalo solo uno dei motivi di rigetto: il fatto che i detti colori svolgono funzione di sicurezza e segnalazione (“the Board of Appeal found that the signalling effect of the colours red and yellow was of particular importance for the goods at issue, for example at the time when they were used in accordance with their purpose, when they were ‘parked’ or ‘on the road’. It stated that although the colour yellow was more easily perceived in low-light conditions, the colour red was particularly eye-catching during the day and was frequently used for safety purposes on all types of equipment in various sectors, including the agricultural sector. Furthermore, according to the Board of Appeal, the colour black, combined with the colour yellow, creates a contrast and thus improves visibility. As regards the safety function, the Board of Appeal also took into account the presence, on the goods at issue, of the combination of the colours yellow and black in the form of a banal rectangle which further improves visibility. The Board of Appeal found that the combination of the colours red, yellow and black served a safety or signalling function“: § 56.)

L’istante fa presente che ciò non rientra tra i motivi espressi di  nullità del marchio secondo la giurisprudenza UE, § 57.

Da noi non rientra espressamente nell’art. 13.1 (forse però nell’inciso finale alla lett. b): “o altre arattreristiche del prodotto”), nè  nei motivi di invalidità per  quelli di forma ex art. 9 (qui forse si potrebbe farli rientrare nelle lettere  a opppure b-).

Il T. rigetta.

(segnalazione di Marcel Pemsel in IPKat).

Il marchio di posizione si conferma difficile da registrare, spesso mancando il suo distacco dalla ornamentalità e dagli usi del settore

Anna Maria Stein dà notizia del rigetto di Alicante della domanda di marchio avanzata da Loro Piana , consistente <<nella combinazione di fascetta più nodino e nastrini più pendenti metallici, uno a forma di lucchetto, l’altro a forma di ghiera che, nel suo insieme, è applicata alla mascherina della tomaia che copre la parte superiore del piede, in tutto o in parte, e sempre posizionata più vicino alla linguetta, rispetto alla punta della scarpa>>

Si tratta della decisione 26 aprile 2024, fascicolo n° 018895734 .


Succo della motivazione:

<<In tale contesto, soltanto il marchio che diverga significativamente dalla norma o dagli usi del settore e sia pertanto in grado di soddisfare la sua funzione essenziale originaria non è privo di carattere distintivo ai sensi dell’articolo 7, paragrafo 1, lettera b), RMUE (25/10/2007, C-238/06 P, Plastikflaschenform, EU:C:2007:635, § 81; 04/05/2017, C-417/16 P, DEVICE OF A SQUARESHAPED PACKAGING (fig.), EU:C:2017:340, § 35-36).
Nel caso di specie, il segno in questione è solo un’ulteriore variante dei molti esistenti sul mercato che adottano elementi decorativi più o meno semplici, da sole o in combinazione tra di loro. Infatti, la posizione del segno nonché la sua rappresentazione, non si discostano significativamente dalla norma né dalle consuetudini del settore di riferimento. In particolare, il segno consiste meramente di una fascetta con nodino e nastrini con pendenti metallici apposti sulla mascherina della tomaia>>.

Quanto al potere istruttorio dell’Ufficio:

<<La giurisprudenza europea ha più volte stabilito che l’Ufficio, laddove accerti
l’assenza di carattere distintivo intrinseco del marchio richiesto, può fondare il proprio esame su fatti risultanti dall’esperienza pratica generalmente acquisita nella commercializzazione di prodotti di largo consumo, fatti conoscibili da qualsiasi persona e, soprattutto, dai consumatori di tali prodotti, non essendo obbligato a dedurre esempi tratti da tale esperienza pratica (15/03/2006, T-129/04,
Plastikflaschenform, EU:T:2006:84, § 15; 29/06/2015, T-618/14, Snacks con forma
de taco, EU:T:2015:440, § 29-30, 32 e giurisprudenza ivi citata)>>.

Vedremo l’esito del reclamo (che riterrei probabile).

Marchi musicali: difficile registrarli!

Marcel Pemsel in IPKat  ci notizia di una decisione di appello dell’Ufficio europeo sulla registrazione (che viene negata, confermando il 1 grado) di un jingle sonoro di due secondi (ascoltabile qui): 5° BoA EUIPO 02.04.2024, Case R 2220/2023-5, Berliner Verkehrsunternehmen (BVG), (trad. inglese automatica, orig. tedesco)

<<18 The sign applied for is a sound sign of two seconds, which consists only of a simple sequence of four different perceptible sounds. The applicant’s argument that the sound mark consisted of many different sounds that were played at the same time by several votes is incorrect in this respect. The sign is so short that only four sounds are perceived.
19. The sign applied for is so short and commonplace that it has no resonance or a certain recognition value that would enable the targeted consumers to regard it as an indication of origin and not merely as a functional element or as a reference without message.
20. It is a generally known fact, which is argued both by the examiner and by the applicant, that a short sound  sequence is usually played before loudspeaker messages in relation to information on means of transport, so that travellers direct their attention to the following message. Normally, these announcements take place in environments with many different sounds, which means that it is not easy for the pushchair to distinguish the message from other background sounds. Loudspeaker messages, which are initiated by a Jtelevisions, become part of transport; Passenger transport in Class 39, that is to say, for example, at airport maintenance halls, on traction and bus transport. If the relevant consumer heard the sound sign applied for before passing through a loudspeaker, he will not associate it with a particular undertaking without familiarisation and will simply perceive it as a sound which is intended to attract the attention of the reader and direct it to the subsequent loudspeaker diffusers. It is therefore a sound sign that simply has a functional task, namely to announce or causes a loudspeaker penetration.
21. Also in relation to the services packaging of goods; Storage of goods; The sign applied for is not capable of performing its main function as an indication of commercial origin. If the trade circles targeted come into contact with this very short and simple sound sequence in connection with these services, they will at most assume that the sound refers to certain aspects of the service (e.g. the beginning of an announcement) or is used in advertising for
these services. The sign is therefore devoid of distinctive character within the meaning of Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR in relation to all the services applied for in Class 39>>.

Effettivamente, oltre ad essere brevissimo, è pure un suono banale.

Marchio di colore e secondary meaning

Marcel Pemsel in IPKat dà notizia di una interssante sentenza che andrà studiata con attenzione (assieme ai suoi precedenti amministrativi) sui due temi in oggetto: Trib. UE T-652/22 del 6 maerzo 2024, Lidl c. EUIPO-MHCS (successore di Veuve Clicquot).

Si tratta di marchio di colore (anzi marchio figurativo era stato detto inizialmente: da studiarne la differenza disciplinare) assai noto, l’arancione della celebre casa vinicola:

Circa l’art. 4 del reg. 40/1994 (Segni atti a costituire un marchio comunitario: Possono costituire marchi comunitari tutti i segni che possono essere riprodotti graficamente, in particolare le parole, compresi i nomi di persone, i disegni, le lettere, le cifre, la forma dei prodotti o del loro confezionamento, a condizione che tali segni siano adatti a distinguere i prodotti o i servizi di un’impresa da quelli di altre imprese), il T. non vede provblemmi: la descrizione e il codice tecnico assieme rendono sufficientemente descritto il segno scelto:

<<57  However, in the present case, it must be stated, first, that the description of the mark at issue was indeed taken into account by the Board of Appeal (see paragraph 67 of the contested decision). Secondly, it must be pointed out, as observed by the intervener, that although the applicant submits that the scientific definition of the CIE satisfies neither the criteria of the judgment in Sieckmann nor those of Article 4 of Regulation No 40/94, it has not claimed that there is a contradiction between the colour sample at issue and the description containing the scientific definition of the CIE. When questioned on that point at the hearing, the applicant argued that the actual demonstration of the contradiction was not the subject matter of the present proceedings.

58 Thus, since, in the present case, the requirements of Article 4 of Regulation No 40/94, as set out by the judgment in Sieckmann, are met by the colour sample at issue (see paragraph 54 above) and are not contradicted by the description provided and the scientific definition that was indeed taken into account together (see paragraph 57 above), it is not necessary to examine whether the description of the mark at issue and the scientific definition of the CIE satisfy the criteria of that article and that judgment. According to the case-law cited in paragraphs 55 and 56 above, there is no requirement that the description of the mark, when included in the application form, must by itself satisfy the criteria of the article>>.

Più dettagliato è lo snodo motivatorio sulla prova del secondary meaning che deve  riguardare tutta la UE. Prova assai complicata per chiunque, anche per i colossi del vino.

Qui non posso che rimandare alla sentenza, che conclude affermando l’insufficienza di valutazione e rimandand in sede amministrativa.

Nullità di combinazione cromatica come marchio perchè insufficientemente chiaro e preciso

Il 2° Board of Appeal EUIPO 07.02.2024m, Case R 2087/2023-2, Storch-Ciret Holding GmbH, decide sull’appello contro la decisione che aveva rigetgtat la domadna di retistarizone per il seguente segno

Conferma il 1 grado amministrativo per cui è insufficientemente preciso violando gli artt. 4 e 7.1.a):

24 On that basis, it must be found that the sign applied for does not meet the precision requirement specified in Article 3(3)(f) (ii) EUTMIR, which is also to be used when interpreting Article 4(b) EUTMR.
25 The rectangles reproduced in the representation mentioned are already visually reminiscent of a mere coloured pattern. Above all, however, it is evident from the nature of the applicant’s request, which is directed at a colour mark, that the representation in rectangles can only have a pattern. It cannot constitute a restriction of the colour shades to the shown sequence of rectangles. Such a view would be inconsistent with claiming as a colour mark (27/03/2019, C-578/17, Hartwall, EU:C:2019:261, § 40 et. seq.). If only a horizontal row of coloured rectangles with white intermediate areas were claimed, the trade mark would be a purely figurative mark which, as emphasised by the applicant, is precisely not claimed (cf. in this respect the first decision of the Office on the application
of 8 March 2021, 3 et seq.).
26 The distribution by volume of the colours claimed, which requires a sufficiently clear systematic arrangement (cf. denied in respect of ‘approximately 50 % to 50 %’ in 30/11/2017, T-102/15 ure T-101/15, BLUE AND SILVER, EU:T:2017:852, § 58 et seq.), is unclear in the present case. As stated, the reproduction of the shades in rectangles appears to be a simple representation of colour patterns. It may be that the applicant thereby wishes to express an identical distribution of these shades of colour.
However, there is no objective evidence of this, which means that there is ultimately a speculation. In addition, the quantitative proportion of the colour ‘white’ is also open to doubts. In the specific representation, it indicates a narrow distance between the individual shades of colour in the rectangles. However, as stated (para. 25), the application for protection is not restricted to a reproduction of the shades in rectangles. It is unclear how the proportion in other designs is supposed to be.
27 The representation applied for also leaves open the question of which systematic arrangement of the shades is otherwise claimed. The information provided by the applicant, if the entry as rectangles is not understood as conclusive, allows a large number of different combinations of colours to be associated (30/11/2017, T-102/15 —  T-101/15, BLUE AND SILVER, EU:T:2017:852, § 58 et seq.; see also the colour mark ……….., 14/06/2012, T-293/10, seven squares of different colours, EU:T:2012:302, § 56 et seq.) comparable with the colour mark applied for. It is not even clear whether each of the colours has the same shape and be designed in parallel.
28 As a result, too many ambiguities remain in the present case, which cannot be to the detriment of the general public. In its submissions, too, the applicant itself only withdrew itself with the general assertion that what can be seen here was claimed. However, this is precisely unclear if no purely figurative design is claimed.
29 The applicant could have easily encountered these objections, for example by making use of the possibility of submitting a description in the field of colour combination marks by way of exception. It is correct that a description pursuant to Article 3(3)(f) (ii) EUTMIR is not formally mandatory. However, it remains the responsibility of the applicant to satisfy the precision requirement under Article 4 EUTMR or the requirement of a systematic arrangement in which the colours concerned are combined in a predetermined and uniform manner pursuant to Article 3(3)(f) (ii) EUTMIR. That did not happen in this case.
30 The refusal of the application pursuant to Article 7(1)(a) in conjunction with Article 4 EUTMR was therefore ultimately correct.
31 The examiner expressly refrained from refusing registration under Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR. That is logical, because such a decision requires a clear subject of the application, which cannot be assumed here. Nor does the Board currently see any basis for such a decision.
32 The applicant’s appeal therefore had to be dism

Sulla (in-)validità di marchio sonoro

Anna Maria Stein in IPKat segnala una decisione dell’ufficio di Alicante che rigetta la domanda di registrazine di marchio musicale (la canzone per bimbi “Johnny Johnny Yes Papa”)

Si tratta di 15.06.2023, applicat. n° 018713855, Mora TV srl (testo inglese automat. trad. qui)

Le ragioni del rigetto attengono alla carenza di distintività; ne è interessante l’applicaizone ai marchi musicali (riporto la sintesi di Anna Maria Stein, ove trovi pure un paio di precedenti amministrativi):

<<a) Length of the sound mark

Although the length of a sound mark does not disqualify it from being considered as an indicator of origin, and the EUTMR is silent in this regard, the EUIPO’s examination guidelines specify the types of sound marks that are not likely to be accepted without proof of acquired distinctiveness, including sounds which are too long to be considered as an indication of origin and sounds which are usually associated with certain goods and services.

b) Lack of easily identifiable and recognisable melodic structure

The sign does not contain an easily identifiable and quickly recognisable melodic structure since it begins with a simple, repetitive motif, which is then accompanied by a few basic tones and sounds, typical of music played in cartoons, movies or songs with lyrics for babies or children. Thus, it does not contain any relevant melodic moment/structure that would allow the public to clearly identify it as a brand, and consequently lacks the ability to function as an identifier of commercial origin.

d) The sound trade mark does not identify the commercial origin of goods or services

Consumers are not in the habit of making assumptions about the origin of products or services in the absence of any graphic or verbal element, because, in general, a sound in itself is not commonly used in any field of commercial practice as a means of identification. However, marketing habits in an economic sector are not fixed and can evolve in a very dynamic way, including through the use of sound trade marks.

When a sound mark consists of non-distinctive/descriptive/generic verbal elements pronounced in a clear manner and without striking or unusual sound elements, the sound mark will be considered non-distinctive.

The trade mark at issue here contains several phrases taken from a song that is very popular throughout the world and for which there are numerous versions and videos that can easily be found on the internet.

e) No acquired distinctive character

According to the EUIPO, the applicant did not submit any opinion polls/surveys or depositions, nor did it provide details of turnover and sales figures or any document regarding investment in advertising and efforts made to promote the brand.

Thus, it was not possible to establish the market share regarding the objected products and services, the intensity, geographical extent and duration of the use of the sound trade mark, or the proportion of the relevant public that identifies the origin of the products and services, before the filing date of the application>>.

Si v. il Chapter 3, § 14 Sound marks, Sect 4 – part B Examination, p. 452 ss, delle Guidelines EUIPO, vers. 1.0, 31 marzo 2023.

Sulla (assente) distintività di marchio costituito dai numeri da 1 a 23 disposti su tre file

Il board of appeal dell’EUIPO , decisione del 2 maggio 2023, case R 1967/2022-1, appl: Margiela, conferma la mancanza di distintività di marchio numerico cioè costiotuito dai numeri da 1 a 23 in progresisone e disposti su tre file, per candele, illuminazione ed altri.

Norma di riferimentoi: art. 7.1.b dell’EUTMR

Primo grado amminisrativo: <<In the contested decision, the examiner found that the relevant public would perceive the sign at issue as, for example, a listing of the product/article number, a bar code, or a pre-printed label. By doing so the examiner determined the way in which the sign applied for will, if registered, probably be shown to the public (see, to this extent, 12/09/2019, C-541/18, Sign comprising a hashtag, EU:C:2019:725, § 24, 25). The Board concurs that the sign at issue will likely be perceived by the relevant public as a pre-printed tag/label to be affixed, for example, on the goods in Classes 4, 11 and 21 or on their packaging or, with particular regard to retail services, in Class 35, on an invoice, on a letter head or on a catalogue>>.

L’ufficio in appello:

<<The fact that the sequence does not highlight any specific number does not make it distinctive for the goods and services covered by the application for registration. In particular, the Board notes that a pre-printed tag/label of long sequences of numbers in three lines, could not provide information to consumers capable of designating the commercial origin of the goods or services. For example, the sequence of numbers in three lines, when put on a tag/label for the goods at issue, could indicate the reference number of three variants of an article in stock (e.g. three variants of the same product in three colours) one on top of the other, or as a way which could enable the shop to circle one number in pen for internal accounting purposes (e.g. to indicate the number of items remaining in stock, which may vary and thus can be indicated by hand). When used for the services at issue, the long sequences of numbers in three lines, could be perceived as providing administrative information for the undertaking (e.g. company number/commercial registration number) and/or its services (e.g. publication authorisation number of the retailer’s/wholesaler’s catalogue, etc.) as explained above.
27 As regards both the goods and services applied for, the Board recalls that there must be certain aspects of the signs at issue which may be easily and instantly memorised by the relevant public and which would make it possible for those signs to be perceived immediately as indications of the commercial origin (see, to that effect and by analogy, 29/09/2009, T‑139/08, Device of smile from SMILEY (fig.), EU:T:2009:364, § 31).
28 In the present case, the sequence of numbers from 0 to 23, in three lines when applied to the goods and services for which protection is sought, would not easily and instantly be recalled by the relevant public as a distinctive sign, but will likely be perceived by the relevant public as one (or three) non-distinctive sequence(s) of numbers.
29 The Board observes that the length of the sequence(s) does not allow the individual details of the mark to be committed to memory, or the sign taken as a whole, to be apprehended. The sign for which protection is sought would be perceived by the relevant public as one (or three) long sequence(s) of numbers positioned on three separate lines, but the relevant public is unlikely to remember what numbers are listed in the sign or positioned at the beginning or at the end of each line. Therefore, the sign, taken as a whole, will be perceived as one (or three) unmemorable sequence(s) of numbers, and therefore the relevant public will not tend to perceive it as a particular indication of commercial origin>>.

Decisione esatta.

Caso comunque interessante: non è distintivo perchè non memorizzabile oppure perchè il pubblico, vedendolo, pensa a comunicaizoni ammnistrative interne all’azienda circa il prodotto?

(segnalazione di Nedim Malovic in IPKat)

Sentenza milanese sul marchio c.d. di posizione

il portale dà notizia di una interessante sentenza 2020 sul marchio di posizione, definente la lite in primo grado  tra due note imprese dell’abbigliamento (sent. 29.12.2020 sez. spec. impresa, n° 8845/2020, Rg 15722/2018, Diesel c. Calvin Klein).

Il segno de quo è costituito da una striscia posta sulla quinta tasca anteriore destra di un jeans (quella piccolina, porta-monete in origine): Diesel l’ha collocata in obliquo, mentre CK in orizzontale (cioè parallela alla c.d. cintura del jeans, ove sono attaccati i passanti).

Per il collegio il marchio di posizionamento è valido, perchè astrattamente distintivo e perchè non infrange esigenze collettive di disponibilità del segno : <<Trattasi dunque di marchio di posizionamento, posto che nella sua descrizione particolare evidenza risulta essere conferita sia alla specifica apposzione di esso sulla quinta tasca anteriore di un paio di jeans – indipendentemente dalla configurazione di tale indumento – sia nella particolare posizione della striscia di tessuto rilevabile nell’immagine che appare inclinata rispetto al borso superiore della tascasulla quale è apposta .     Ritiene il Collegio che un siffatto segno possa essere oggetto di un uso e di una registrazione come marchio, posto che tale etichetta costituisce un aspetto “capriccioso” ed inessenziale, essendo tutelata non la striscia che compone un’etichetta tout court, bensì una sua specifica configurazione indicata sostanzialmente nella posizione sull’indumento e nella sua inclinazione.    Tale tipologia di etichetta per il suo posizionamento può dunque integrare in sé un segno valido poiché non costituito esclusivamente dalla forma che dà un valore sostanziale al prodotto (art. 9, comma 1,lett. c) c.p.i.) in quanto esso non investe in alcun modo l’aspetto esteriore del prodotto né ne condizionala forma sotto il profilo ornamentale. D’altra parte è pacifico che tale striscia di tessuto è stata sempreutilizzata nell’ambito del marchio più complesso comprendente la denominazione Diesel .  In tale contesto dunque il segno rivendicato non può costituire il motivo per cui il consumatore decidedi acquistare quel tipo di pantalone jeans. Esso dunque rispetta in sé il principio di estraneità delmarchio al prodotto, la cui violazione renderebbe invece insuscettibili di tutela come marchio i disegniornamentali del prodotto quando abbiano carattere meramente estetico – tutelabili quindi come modelli- ossia quando attribuiscano allo stesso solo un “valore sostanziale”, divenendo elemento influente sullascelta d’acquisto (cfr. caso Burberry Check, Cass., n. 5243/1999, cfr. CG C-299/99, “Philips”; CG C-205/13, “Stokke”, cfr. Trib. UE, T-508/08, “Bang & Olufsen”)>>.

Inoltre, il segno non solo è in astratto ammissibile alla privativa, ma anche in concreto distintivo di una certa azienda (di Diesel), § 2.1-2.2 (distinzione concettuale fondata sul dettato normativo ma di dubbia esattezza).

Nè ricorre la funzione ornametnale e nemmeno la standardizzazione, § 2.3.

La tutela perà non viene concessa poichè il segno avversario orizzontale è sufficientemente diverso da scongiurare il rischio di confondibilità, p. 15.

Interessante infine è l’affermazione per cui conta il segno come chiesto in registrazione e non come viene percepito a seguito dell’uso , che eliminerebbe o ridurrebbe la caratteristica della obliquità/inclinazione nella percezione del pubblico: <<Né vale opporre a tale considerazione come hanno sostenuto le attrici il fatto che nell’uso quotidiano in realtà la caratteristica dell’inclinazione dell’etichetta andrebbe persa per effettto dei vari movimenti di chi indossa il pantalone. Tale rilievo che in sé pare contraddire le stesse tesi delle attrici quanto alla validità del loro segno rispetto a segni anteriori non può essere considerato nella valutazione di interferenza, dovendosi procedere ad un confronto tra i segni così come apposti sui prodotti e come registrati rispetto a quelli in contestazione. Diversamente l’ambito di tutela del segno in questione risulterebbe indebitamente allargato fino a coprire di fatto quei segni che la stessa titolare del marchio considera non interferenti>>

La corte milanese richiama il precedente europeo Corte Giustizia 18 aprile 2013, C-12/12, Colloseum Holding AG/Levi Strauss & Co.

La sentenza pare sostanzialmente esatta. Solo che non precisa la base normativa della tutela da  marchio di fatto (azionato assieme alla registrazione): la quale consiste nell’art. 2598 cc. (disposizione mai invocata in motivazione) e non nella disciplina posta dal cod. propr. ind.