L’account Twitter di un dipartimnto universitario è limited public forum e non può bloccare post non gradevoli

Un docente universitario mnoto per posizin pro colonialismo posta un tweet equivoco su una pagina web interattiva creata dal by the University of Oregon’s Division of Equity and Inclusion.

Il manager lo blocca,.

M;a per il tribuinale dell’oregon Case 3:22-cv-01181-HZ   del 26.01.2023, Gilley v. Stabin , l’accont unviersitario è limited public forum e deve garantire il free speech. Il blocco eventuale deve essere “reasonable and viewpoint-neutral.”

<<Reviewing the three factors, the Court concludes that @UOEquity is a limited public
forum. First, the University did adopt guidelines governing posting on social media. The
pertinent part of the guidelines was posted online for anyone to view, and was also part of a
larger internal document. Larson Decl. I ¶¶ 3-5, Ex. 1 at 2; Larson Decl. II ¶¶ 5-7, Ex. 1 at 8-9.
The guidelines provide that comments within certain categories, including off-topic posts, can be
deleted, and that users who violate the guidelines can be blocked. Id. Plaintiff points out that
these guidelines appear more easily changed than a formal policy and that they have in fact been
changed since he filed suit. Pl. Supp. Br. 3, ECF 43. Plaintiff is correct that the guidelines have
been regularly altered; Defendants have acknowledged as much. Larson Decl. III ¶¶ 8-9, Exs. 2-
Case 3:22-cv-01181-HZ Document 57 Filed 01/26/23 Page 22 of 3623 – OPINION & ORDER
3 (versions of internal guidelines from 2019 and February 2021); Larson Decl. II ¶¶ 8-12, Exs. 1-
2 (versions of internal guidelines from October 2021 and October 2022). However, all of these
versions of the guidelines use almost identical wording in listing the categories of posts that can
be blocked or deleted. Larson Decl. II Ex. 1 at 8-9, Ex. 2 at 9-10; Larson Decl. III Ex. 2 at 8-9,
Ex. 3 at 3-4.
Plaintiff points to Kimsey v. City of Sammamish, 574 F. Supp. 3d 911, 919-920 (W.D.
Wash. 2021). Pl. Post-Hearing Mem. 5. In Kimsey, the district court held that a city’s Facebook
page was a designated public forum, in part because the city did not require prior approval before
allowing comments on the page. 574 F. Supp. 3d at 918, 920. The Court respectfully disagrees
with this analysis. In Garnier, the Ninth Circuit focused on whether the government defendants
had “established any rules of etiquette or decorum regulating how the public was to interact with
their social media account.” 41 F.4th at 1165. Garnier did not suggest that requiring prior
approval for comments was necessary to create a limited public forum. It also recognized that
“analogies between physical public fora and the virtual public fora of the present are sometimes
imperfect, and courts applying First Amendment protections to virtual spaces must be mindful of
the nuances of how those online fora function in practice.” Id. at 1185. This is one such nuance.
The Court doubts that requiring prior approval for every post on @UOEquity is a feasible
method of content restriction, and Plaintiff points to no evidence suggesting that it is.
Second, the Court has limited information on the extent to which the guidelines are
generally enforced. At the hearing, Plaintiff argued that @UOEquity is a designated public
forum because the University has failed to consistently enforce the social media guidelines.
There is some evidence to support this contention. For instance, while Plaintiff was blocked for
posting “all men are created equal” in response to the Racism Interruptor prompt, another Twitter user was not blocked for posting “all men are created equal” in response to the same
prompt several days later. Larson Decl. III ¶¶ 6-7, Ex. 1 at 4. Only three users have been blocked
since 2017. Id. ¶ 5. This could point to limited enforcement or to a paucity of posts that violate
the guidelines. Defendant stabin testified at the hearing that @UOEquity was a relatively lowtraffic account. This is supported by the data: since 2017, there have been a combined 2,558
replies and retweets on the account by other users. Larson Decl. III ¶ 4. In an email, Defendant
stated that she rarely blocked people and barely knew how. Kolde Second Supp. Decl. Ex. 4.
However, Plaintiff has not provided enough evidence of users who arguably should have been
blocked under the guidelines. The Court does not know why the other two blocked users were
blocked. The Court does not have enough evidence to conclude that the University is not
consistently following the guidelines in managing the @UOEquity account. Mindful that the
Supreme Court has required an affirmative act to create a designated public forum, the Court
declines to conclude on the evidence before it that the University has failed in enforcing the
social media guidelines to a degree that justifies finding such an affirmative act.
Third, a Twitter page is a forum designed for expressive activities. Garnier, 41 F.4th
1178 (“Social media websites—Facebook and Twitter in particular—are fora inherently
compatible with expressive activity.”). Defendant stabin testified at the hearing that the Racism
Interruptor prompts she posted were intended to serve as tools for individuals to use when they
encountered discrimination in their daily lives, rather than to promote discussion on the Twitter
page as such. Ultimately, however, the expressive activity on the Twitter page is not “incidental”
to its operations, unlike ads on metro buses whose primary function from the government’s
perspective is to generate revenue. Seattle Mideast Awareness, 781 F.3d at 497.
This case falls between Garnier and Seattle Mideast Awareness, and the Court concludes
that @UOEquity is a limited public forum. The University adopted and published guidelines
restricting the content that can be posted on the page and permitting administrators to block users
who violate them. Those guidelines have been reinforced to faculty and staff who manage the accounts.

The degree of enforcement appears less rigorous than in Seattle Mideast Awareness, but the nature of the forum is different, and the Court declines to find on the record before it that the University has abdicated responsibility for enforcement.

The Court concludes that the University did not affirmatively open @UOEquity as a designated public forum.

Therefore, any restrictions on speech in @UOEquity must be reasonable and viewpoint-neutral. Hopper, 241 F.3d at 1075. 

The Court proceeds to evaluate the likelihood of success on Plaintiff’s claims for
relief against this standard>>

(notizia e link alla sentenza dal blog del prof Eric Goldman)

Libertà di parola verso pubblico funzionario, titolare di account Twitter

Secondo la Eastern District Court del Missouri – easter division, 9 dicembre 2022, Case: 4:20-cv-00821-JAR, Felts v. Vollmer, l’account Twitter di unpubblico cuindionario è designated public forum e quindi la censura non è ammessa.

Per le osservazioni critiche ricevute, infatti, il funzionario aveva bloccato una cittadina.

In particolare il tweet e il suo contesto, § 10: << Plaintiff responded to Action St. Louis’ tweet stating: “What do you mean by ‘change the messaging around #CloseTheWorkhouse,’ @PresReed? #STLBOA #aldergeddon2019 #WokeVoterSTL. (Pltf.’s Ex. 27). The issue of closing the St. Louis Workhouse, a medium security institution and one of two jails in the City, was a subject of political debate in January 2019. Plaintiff was among those advocating for the Board of Aldermen to take action to close the Workhouse, as was Action St. Louis. (Trial Tr. at 69:15-25)>>.

E’ public forum , sempre che non sia account totalmente privato: <<“not every social media account operated by a public official is a government account,” and instructed that courts should look to “how the official describes and uses the account,” “to whom features of the account are made available,” and “how others … regard and treat the account.” Id>> , p. 14, dice la corte citando il noto precedente Knight First Amendment Inst. at Columbia Univ. v. Trump del 2019.

Il dettaglio sull’uso pubblico sta al §§ 37-40.

E’ rigettata l’allegazione del blocco per rischio di violenze, non riscontrato, § 45

Sintesi finale: <<At all relevant times, Reed was the final decisionmaker for communications, including the use of social media, for the Office of the President of the Board of Aldermen. At or near the time Plaintiff was initially blocked, Reed’s public Twitter account had evolved into a tool of governance. In any event, by the time the Account was embedded into the City’s website in April 2019, while Plaintiff remained blocked, the Account was being operated by Reed under color of law as an official governmental account. The continued blocking of Plaintiff based on the content of her tweet is impermissible viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment. Thus, Plaintiff is entitled to judgment in her favor on her remaining claim for declaratory relief. The Court will also award Plaintiff the sum of $1.00 in nominal damages for the constitutional violation >>

(notizia e link alla sentenza dal blog del prof. Eric Goldman)

La pagina del gruppo Facebook dell’Amministrazione Comunale costituisce “designated public forum” ai fini della libertà di parola

Secondo la corte di Seattle-WA , 21 nov. 2021,Case 2:21-cv-01264-MJP , Kimksey ed altri c. comune di Sammamish, la pagina del  gruppo Facebook, costituito dal Comune di Sammamish per dialogare di temi istituzionali con i cittadini, costituisce <designated public forum> (all’interno della nota tripartizione comnprendente pure <zpublic forum> e <limited public forum>).

Infatti da un lato non c’è censura preventiva e dall’altro i commenti off topic son spesso stati tollerati

Pertanto si applica lo strictg scrutiny nel giudizio sulla legittimità della censura : il quale viene superato solo  <<it furthers a compelling interest and is narrowly tailored to achieve that interest>>

La ragione per cui si trattava di post <fuori tema -off topic-> non è tale: per cui la sua censura è illegittima

(notizia della sentenza e link alla stessa dal blog di Eric Goldman)

L’account Twitter e Facebook di un senatore (statale, non federale) costituisce “designated public forum”

Un senatore della Florida, a seguito di critiche mossegli da un cittadino, lo “banna” dal suo account di Twitter e poi di Facebook. Dice che lo ha fatto per profanity nei suoi post ma la corte distrettuale USA rigetta e dà ragione al cittadino “bannato”, vedendovi una ritorsione per le critiche al suo operato politico (US DC Northern district of Florida  -Gainesville division , 17.03.2021, Attwood c. Clemons, Case No.: 1:18cv38-MW/MJF).

La domanda è basata sul 42 U.S. Code § 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights, riferito al 1° e al 14° emendamento dlela costituzione.

Viene  accertato che il senatore abbia agito under color of state law, p. 9 ss.

Qui c’è l’interessante questione sollevata dal senatore ma rigetta dalla corte, attinente al se il legislator speech (statale) possa in linea di principio essere considerato esentato da state action perchè a sua volta tutelato quale inherently private, p. 14-15.

A p. 15 la corte ricorda  i due elementi per ravvisare state action nella gestione degli account social da parte dei politici: << 1) whether the official uses the account in furtherance of their official duties, and 2) whether the presentation of the account is connected with the official’s position. Charudattan, 834 F. App’x at 481–82; Knight First Amendment Inst., 928 F.3d at 235–36>>.
In conclusione <<a reasonable fact finder could find that Defendant’s social media activity constituted state action>>. Ma poi l’indagine prosegue dovend o accertare <<whether Defendant is entitled to summary judgment, this Court must also address which class of forum Defendant’s social media accounts constitute and whether Defendant’s restriction of Plaintiff’s speech is consistent with the class of forum identified>>, p. 19,.

A p. 20-23 evidenzia tre ragioni per applicare la public forum doctrine ai social media: si tratta di passaggio importante, anche se non nuovo.

Per la corte va dunque  applicato il concetto di forum , anche se ve ne sono quattro tipi: << 1) traditional public forums, 2) designated public forums, 3) limited public forums, and 4) non-public forums.Barrett v. Walker Cnty. Sch.Dist., 872 F.3d 1209, 1226 (11th Cir. 2017). As set out below, this Court concludes that Defendant’s social media accounts are designated public forums when the facts are viewed in the light most favorable to Plaintiff.>>, p. 23 . Come si vede, conclude che ricorre il tipo n° 2, dopo aver soprattutto indagato l’alternativa possibile tra il n. 2 e il n. 3 (p .24 ss ove esame dei due cocnetti).

Del resto non c’erano limitazioni per gli utentei poste ex ante : <<in this case, Defendant’s social media settings and absence of any explicit restriction limiting discourse to certain speech shows that Defendant provides unrestricted access to the public for expressive activity. Therefore, this Court concludes that Defendant’s social media accounts are designated public forums>> p. 27

Passa poi all’analisi della violazione costitutizionale, p. 27 ss.

E esamina se ricorra discriminazione , se cioè la gestione e il bannaggio sia stato una viewpoint discrimination, p. 30 ss. La ravvisa: <<because Defendant’s actions arguably constitute viewpoint discrimination, this Court must next determine whether Defendant has a compelling interest in blocking Plaintiff. He does not. When the facts are viewed in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, the only interest in blocking Plaintiff is to suppress Plaintiff’s criticism of Defendant’s viewpoint. Put another way, the only interest Defendant has in blocking Plaintiff is to ensure that Plaintiff’s opposing viewpoints are not shared on his account. Such an interest is not compelling. Indeed, it runs afoul of the First Amendment. As such, Defendant’s actions do not survive strict scrutiny reviewwhen the facts are viewed in the light most favorable to Plaintiff.>>, p .30.

Si noti la precisazione (non particolarmente rivoluzionaria, ma importante a fini pratici), per cui la possibilità per il cittadino di interloquiore in altro modo col Senatore (ad es. aprendo nuovi account) non ha rilevanza , trattandosi di burden on speech inammissibile, pp. 30-31-

(notizia e link alla sentenzi dal blog di Eric Goldman)