Il marchio denominativo FUCKING AWESOME per abbigliamento sportivo è confermato privo di distintività (anche se non contrario a buon costume)

Così Trib. UE 15.03.2023 , T-178/22, FA World Entertainment Inc. c. EUIPO .

Annullata invece dall’appello amministrativo (e non portata in sede giurisdizionale) la inziale decisione di contrarietà a ordine pubblico e/o buon costume

Il marchio denominativo < V10 > per telefoni mobili è descrittivo e quindi non registrabile

Così il Tribunale UE 15.02.2023, T-741/21, LG Electronics inc. v. EUIPO-ZTE Deutschland GmbH .

<< 37   It is apparent from the documents submitted by the intervener and on which the Board of Appeal relied that alphanumeric combinations are frequently used in the field of mobile phones and smart phones. The Court also notes that those combinations are generally in the form of the letter ‘v’ followed by a number in ascending order, according to the year or month in which the mobile telephone or smart phone is launched on the market.

38 Since the goods covered by the contested mark are ‘Smart phones; Mobile phones; [and] Wearable smart phones’, it is clear that, when faced with those devices identified by the sign V10, the relevant public will give it the meaning which it has in a technological context. That public will understand that it refers to the abbreviation of the word ‘version’, followed by the version number of the goods in question. The alphanumeric combination ‘v10’ of the contested mark will therefore easily be understood by the relevant public as being intended to identify the tenth version of those goods.

39 Thus, the alphanumeric combination composed of the letter ‘v’ followed by a number indicates to the relevant public a characteristic of the goods at issue relating to their technological evolution and seeks to identify the different versions of those goods, as a variant of the earlier or later forms, which most likely incorporates certain modifications. (…)

It follows from the foregoing that the intervener put forward compelling evidence that the contested mark V10 had, for the relevant public, a sufficiently direct and specific relationship with the goods at issue by referring, inter alia, to several printouts from websites, from which it is apparent that the letter ‘v’ is clearly an abbreviation of the word ‘version’ and that the number which follows it refers to the number of the version in question >>.


Sulla distintività del marchio LA BIANCA per birra chiara

Trib. Milano n° 10253/2022 del 28.12.2022 , RG 17325/2020, Heineken c. MATTHIAS MÜLLER, rel. Fazzini Elisa, decidendo una lite sull’oggetto, ritiene che il marchio denominativo LA BIANCA per birre sia nullo perchè descreittivo di un tipo di birra di colorazione assai chiara

Due passaggi riporto:

1) <<Pertanto, la valutazione del carattere descrittivo di un marchio, dev’essere effettuata, da un lato, in relazione ai prodotti e ai servizi per il quali la registrazione del segno è stata richiesta e, dall’altro, in relazione alla percezione dello stesso da parte del pubblico di riferimento, costituito dal consumatore di tali prodotti o servizi (Ellos/UAMI (ELLOS), T 219/00, EU:T: 2002: 44, punto 29).  

La evidente ratio di tale disposizione consiste nell’assicurare che i segni descrittivi di una o più caratteristiche dei prodotti o dei servizi, per i quali è richiesta una registrazione come marchio, possano essere liberamente utilizzati da tutti gli operatori economici che offrono prodotti o sevizi. Tale disposizione, pertanto, impedisce che tali segni o indicazioni siano riservati a una sola impresa in forza della loro registrazione come marchi e che un’impresa monopolizzi l’uso di un termine descrittivo, a discapito delle altre imprese, comprese le concorrenti, che vedrebbero così ristretta la portata del vocabolario disponibile per descrivere i propri prodotti>>.

2) << Il Collegio ritiene che, a prescindere dalla presenza dell’articolo determinativo, il termine la “bianca” è, comunque, riconoscibile dal consumatore italiano nel senso dell’aggettivo, in quanto la mera assenza di un sostantivo, individuabile evidentemente con “birra”, accanto a tale termine non può impedire un simile riconoscimento da parte del consumatore medio, destinatario del prodotto, trattandosi di un aggettivo di uso corrente, in relazione alla commercializzazione della birra, come si può evincere anche dalle plurime etichette allegate da parte attrice. Si osserva, inoltre, tenuto conto dell’art. 13 sopra richiamato, laddove il legislatore ha previsto che è privo di carattere distintivo il marchio costituito “da indicazioni descrittive” che a esso si riferisce, come nel caso di segno che in commercio possa servire a “designare la specie, la qualità, […] altre caratteristiche del prodotto o servizio”, che sussista, nel caso di specie, dal punto di vista del pubblico di riferimento, un nesso tra il significato “la bianca” e il prodotto interessato, rappresentato dalla “birra”, poiché è evidente che il segno oggetto del contendere sia idoneo a disegnare una caratteristica che può riguardare in astratto la bevanda in oggetto, facilmente riconoscibile negli ambienti interessati. Si ritiene che sia irrilevante al riguardo che la birra prodotta in concreto appartenga alla diversa tipologia delle birre “Wizen” o “Weissen”, di tradizione bavarese, atteso che la valutazione sulla descrittività di un marchio deve essere effettuata in astratto. L’aggettivo qualificativo sostantivato “bianca”, preceduto dall’articolo determinativo “la”, infatti, attribuisce al prodotto specifiche intrinseche caratteristiche a esso inerenti, anche di reputazione presso il pubblico, essendo anche indice di un colore chiaro del prodotto, che, come tali debbono restare patrimonio comune di tutti i produttori della birra che possono o meno fabbricare e commercializzare la tipologia di birra bianca o di colore chiaro>>.

Il punto più interessante è quello in rosso sub 2, tenuto conto che il convenuto soccombente produceva birra non del tipo “Bianco” ma del tipo “Weizen” (che parrebbe merceologicamente diverso e magari anche -ma non è detto- di colorazione diversa e cioè forse meno chiara)

Marchio non distintivo nè ab origine nè in un secondo momento (Game tournaments)

Il marchio è questo, per computer games e altro:

Tribunale UE  T‑776/21 del 26.10.2022, ,Gameageventures LLP,  c. EUIPo, conferma i rigetti (parziali) dell’ufficio.

E’ nullo per mancnza di distintività , nemmeno sorpavvenuta (secondary meaning)

La parte piu interessnte è quella processuale circa le prove offerte per il secondary meaning., §§ 66-88:
<<  79   In order to prove that a significant proportion of the relevant public identified the goods and services concerned as originating from its undertaking, because of the mark applied for, the applicant submitted the following evidence to EUIPO:

–        two written statements;

–        evidence of cooperation with a major e‑sports broadcasting operator;

–        evidence of the provision of informational and promotional services;

–        Google Analytics traffic data for, namely the applicant’s website;

–        Extracts from the website

80      First of all, as regards the two written statements, they are taken from persons established in Cyprus and in Sweden, the latter being the founder of an e‑sports team in Denmark. The witnesses stress that their statements are based on their knowledge, experience and impressions. They state that the mark applied for has indeed been put to use, since they have been confronted by its use since 2018 and 2019 respectively.

81      However, the mere fact that the sign has been used within the European Union for some time is not sufficient to demonstrate that the public targeted by the goods or services in question perceives it as an indication of commercial origin (see, to that effect, judgment of 11 April 2019, Adapta Color v EUIPO – Coatings Foreign IP (Bio proof ADAPTA), T‑224/17, not published, EU:T:2019:242, paragraph 111 and the case-law cited). Further, even though the witnesses assert that the mark has been used within the European Union, neither specifies the countries in which that use took place. Therefore, the written statements do not demonstrate use of the mark in the relevant part of the European Union by a significant portion of the relevant public.

82      Next, as regards the evidence of cooperation with a major esports broadcasting operator, that evidence consists of, first, a letter of intent between the applicant and an undertaking based in Cyprus, allowing the applicant to broadcast sporting events and, second, certificates of appreciation for two of those sporting events. That evidence therefore refers only to a single collaboration agreement of one year’s duration and in no way demonstrates that the mark applied for has acquired any distinctive character in consequence of its use.

83      Furthermore, the evidence of the provision of informational and promotional services consists of a sponsorship agreement, an information provision and licence agreement and a set-off agreement between the applicant and an undertaking established outside the European Union. That evidence shows that the applicant provides promotional and informational services, for that undertaking in particular. However, no mention is made in those documents of the countries concerned or of the relevant public. Nor did the applicant explain in the application what the connection was between those documents and the distinctive character acquired through its use.

84      Further, the Google Analytics data on the traffic show that thousands of users in Denmark, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden visited the applicant’s website between 1 January 2018 and 29 February 2020. It should be noted that Cyprus and Malta are not mentioned there. In that regard, the Board of Appeal rightly pointed out, with regard to the number of residents in those countries, that the number of users represented only 0.1% of the general public in the countries mentioned.

85      Finally, the applicant also provided extracts from the website.  Although the mark applied for appears on the various pages of the website, it is not obvious, since it occupies only a small area and is positioned only in the corner of the website pages, that by its mere presence it contributes to any distinctive character of that mark among the relevant public. The applicant merely describes the content of its website but does not explain how the website in question confers distinctive character on the mark applied for.

86      It must be noted that those limited samples, which do not cover all the relevant countries, are not representative of the whole of the relevant public in the part of the European Union where the sign is considered to be devoid of distinctive character. Moreover, given its nature, the evidence provided by the applicant is insufficient to demonstrate that distinctive character has been acquired through the use of the mark applied for.

87      It follows from the foregoing that none of the evidence provided by the applicant is capable of calling into question the Board of Appeal’s finding that the evidence produced is not sufficient to prove that a significant portion of the relevant public is able, because of the mark applied for, to identify the goods and services concerned as originating from a particular undertaking.>>

Appello delll’EUIPO su marchio di forma/di posizione

Il 5 board of appeal del l’EUIPO del 29.08.2022, R 197/2021-5 , Blake Holdings appl./appellant, decide un interessante fattispecie di marchio di posizione e/o di forma, consistente in colore grigio applicato a battistrada e porzione laterale esterna di copertoni da camion (“The trade mark comprises the tread and outer portion of a tyre in colour light grey (“Pantone 7527 C”) depicted in the area outside the outer broken line, as shown in the attached representation.”>>).

Ravvisa che manchi di distintività, perchè non si distanzia a sufficienza dalle caratteristiche dei copertoni normalmente reperlbili sul mercato


<< 48   Therefore, contrary to the applicant’s statements, both the claimed light grey
colour and its particular position on the tread and outer portion of the off road tyre
are far for being ‘distinct’ or unique. Thus, taken as a whole, the trade mark
applied for will be perceived only as one of the variants of similar part of off road
tyres existing on the market.

29/08/2022, R 197/2021-5, Outer portion of a tyre in colour light grey (position)
49    In this regard, the Board further recalls that a mere departure from the norm or
customs of the sector is not sufficient to overcome the ground for refusal set out
in Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR. For the mark to fulfil its essential function, namely, to
indicate commercial origin, the difference between the sign applied for and the
norms or customs of the sector must be significant (12/02/2004, C-218/01,
Perwoll, EU:C:2004:88, § 49). In other words, any divergence from the way in
which the competing goods are presented is not sufficient in itself to guarantee
the existence of distinctive character. This difference must also be ‘significant’
and therefore immediately apparent to consumers.
50    What is more, a feature displayed in a sign which is functional in nature and
purpose will generally not be able to confer distinctiveness on the mark, as it will
be associated by the target consumer merely with that specific function, and not as
an indicator of commercial origin, and this, independently of whether the (much
stricter) conditions of Article 7(1)(e) EUTMR are also fulfilled (12/09/2013, T-
492/11, Tampon, EU:T:2013:421, § 23; 18/01/2013, T-137/12, Vibrator,
EU:T:2013:26, § 27; 14/11/2016, R 1067/2016-4, Schlüsselprofil, § 21). In the
present case, as indicated in the communication of Rapporteur of 5 May 2022, the
position mark at stake, consisting of the tread and outer portion of a tyre in light
grey, could also be seen as having a certain functionality, i.e. leaving no black
marks on floors during operations. Contrary to the applicant’s submissions, the
Board observes that that the use of tyres with non-marking properties is
potentially of interest also in relation to the claimed goods, i.e., ‘Off road tires
used with construction, industrial and agricultural equipment; none of the
aforesaid being off road tires for forklift trucks’, including the specific goods for
which the applicant claims that the position mark in question will be used, namely
tyres for Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), as the examples provided by the
rapporteur show>>.

Pertanto :

<< 51  Taking into account all the above, the Board considers that the sign applied for
cannot be considered to depart significantly from the appearance of (part of) tyres
already found on the market. The relevant public, who is confronted with
numerous more or less similar tyres, will neither carry out a detailed analysis nor
a side by side comparison between the trade mark applied for and the other tyres
on the market, and will therefore perceive the mark applied for solely as being a
mere variety of the tread and outer portion of such tyres. There is no evidence that
the public at large or even the professionals would perceive the sign at hand as a
badge of origin.
52 Therefore, contrary to the applicant’s arguments, none of the features invoked or
their combination support the conclusion that the sign applied for departs
significantly from the norms and customs of the sector. It will therefore not be
perceived as a trade mark without having acquired distinctive character through

(decisione segnalata da Nedim Malovic in IPKat)

Il marchio “Heartfulness” per servizi di spiritualità è confermato generico

Era stato chiesto in registrazione il marchio denominativo (dice però figurativo, il T.) “Heartfulness” per servizi educativi e di spiritualità. Il richeidente è una fondazione che si occupava appunto di questo.

IN sede amministrativa la domanda è stata responta perchè segno descrittivo

In sede giuiziaoe il Tribunale UE (T.) con sentenza 03.03.2021, T-48/20, Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation c. EUIPO , conferma la decisione ammnistrativa.

Il nome era stato creato dal ricorrente “in order to designate a particular relaxation and meditation technique and that, therefore, consumers identify the applicant with the mark applied for“, § 13. Nell’Oxford Dicionary online Lexico, però, risulta di origine settecentesca

La domanda viene esaminata ex art. 7.1.b-c (spt. lettera c) del reg. 2017/1001 , che regola le indicazioni descrittive, sanzionandole con nullità-.

Ebbene il T. trova il termine descrittivo e conferma il rigetto del Board of Appeal: <<As the Board of Appeal was right to consider in paragraphs 15 and 16 of the contested decision, the mark applied for will be understood, without the need for further reflection on the part of the consumer, as containing direct information on the nature and subject matter of the goods and services concerned, namely goods or services having as their subject matter a particular meditation and relaxation method or technique>>, § 28.

Non era decisione difficile.

Viene solo da pensare alla vecchia questione del marchio, costituito dal nome di  prodotto nuovo (volendo ravvisare nello specifico servizio di spiritualità un nuovo servizio): si v. Di Cataldo, I segni distintivi, Giuffrè, 1985, pp. 87-89.

Solo che qui da un lato non c’è brevettazione (nè potrebbe esserci), come avviene di solito in relazione a detta questione. Dall’altro, il termine scelto ha già (di per sè) nella percezione dei consumatori un riferimento al tipo di servizio offerto. Quindi il riferimento probabilmente non è calzante.